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Serge van Driel joins Sound of Data

Serge van Driel, previous Contact Center Engineer at Sonos Inc. and Team Lead Contact Center Engineering at Sonova Group, has joined the Sound of Data team as Technical Consultant.

Serge van Driel Carlos Schipper Sound of Data

F.l.t.r. Serge van Driel and Carlos Schipper

Serge is no stranger to Sound of Data as he was our contact person at Sonos during his time there. “I’ve always felt welcome at Sound of Data so the decision to join the team wasn’t a difficult one”, says Serge.

Having worked in contact centers of companies like Sonos and Sonova, Serge is well aware of the daily challenges of large international contact centers: “I’m excited to use these years of knowledge and experience to help contact centers get a better grip on their accessibility and performance and to decrease costs where possible. I know all about contact center operations and infrastructure on the client side. This makes it easy to understand what contact centers are dealing with and to determine possible improvements.”

As Technical Consultant, Serge will be involved in both consultancy and implementation projects of telephony and accessibility challenges and tools like Talk, Cruise Control and omnichannel contact center platforms like Xcally and 3CX.

Carlos Schipper

Current Sound of Data employee Carlos Schipper will team up with Serge for the implementation projects. He’s making the move from Software Developer to Implementation Consultant. “I’m looking forward to working with Serge and making sure that implementations will go as smoothly as possible. My background in software engineering provides me with a good understanding of how IT systems work and how they communicate with each other. As a consultant, I’m able to reach further into organizations, help them simplify challenges and create more optimal solutions.”

This team enables us to broaden ours range of services and even better assist (potential) customers. It emphasizes our drive to give brands a voice and customers a listening ear. And it strengthens our ambition to innovate and integrate in the field of telephony, omnichannel and CRM.

Want to know if your contact centers can get a better grip on their accessibility and performance and decrease costs where possible?
Get in touch and schedule a free exploratory call.