There are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself to find out whether it could be worthwhile to provide 24/7 customer support. And to find out whether your company is ready for it:
- What time of day do you get most of your calls? Check your statistics to see how many calls you are missing outside your current support hours. For example, our My Sound of Data Portal can provide customized reports based on all available call data. Or it can export this data to your BI platform so you can process the data in any way you like.
- Check your tickets to find out whether people complain about your opening hours
- How complicated are your callers’ questions? If they are relatively simple, you could prevent a lot of these calls by providing better and easier-to-find information in an FAQ- or Help section on your website
- What’s the standard in your type of business? Are your opening hours like other companies in your industry? Also, have a look at the companies you look up to and maybe aspire to become
- What kind of service do you provide outside opening hours? Just your website and social media or can customers leave a message to be called back the next day?
- In what phase is your company? Are you just starting up, growing fast, or reached a stable level of maturity? Setting up 24/7 quality customer support takes time. So you need to make sure you don’t take up too much at once. It’s better to provide quality support for a limited number of hours than provide bad support during extended opening hours