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Hassle-free implementation

Implementing a new contact center solution and migrating associated information is often quite a daunting task. Something that many companies struggle with. How do you make sure you don't forget anything? That everything meets the security requirements? And accessibility is guaranteed? We will help you get through it hassle-free with a careful step-by-step plan. Just read along.


Every project is different, every company is different and yet a lot of things are the same. We have incorporated our years of knowledge of and experience with implementations and migrations in the contact center field into a step-by-step plan with extensive runbooks for each phase. It includes all parts and details. Big and small. So nothing is overlooked. The step-by-step plan looks like this:

  • Inventory
  • Design
  • Configuration
  • Training
  • Testing
  • Porting and going live
  • GO LIVE support


Every project starts with an extensive inventory. Together we discuss what’s currently in use, which connections, integrations, etc. have been set up and what the wishes and requirements are for the new environment. Our extensive runbooks ensure we don’t miss a single detail. During the project, all necessary information is shared in a joint MS Teams environment including a project board. We create these important communication and progress tools in this phase.


As soon as the current situation, requirements and wishes are clear, the next phase starts: the design. Which software suits this best? Which new connections and integrations are associated with this? Which adjustments, porting, migrations apply, etc.? We discuss the proposal together and adjust where necessary, until you’re happy with the design.


After approval, development starts. All details discussed during the inventory will be covered so nothing is skipped or forgotten. Think of number plans (which numbers run where, which ones need to be ported, forwarded, etc.), routings, IVRs, user lists, queues, users, etc.

Migrations and integration

During the configuration, a customized plan is created for possible migrations and integrations as these are almost always company-specific and not standard. Which data needs to be cleaned and transferred, which systems need to be linked, which data needs to be retrieved and where, and which reports and dashboards are required after go-live, both at application level and at network level. Of course, taking security and compliance into account.

Training and testing

Before the actual go-live, the internal admins and (key) users are trained so they are well prepared to start working with the new environment. Training takes place on location or via Teams. During this phase, we also collect feedback from your experiences. After the training, we continue with the test phase in collaboration with the trained employees. Does everything work as desired or do things need to be refined?

Porting and going live

Once all tests have been completed satisfactorily and the key employees are well prepared, it is time to port the numbers and really go live. The old systems are switched off, the new ones start running. On this day, a Sound of Data employee is always present on location to supervise the go-live. So you are never alone. This employee will only leave when all lights are green and will remain your direct contact for another 1-2 weeks.

Security and compliance

As indicated, we ensure that everything meets strict security and compliance requirements. Sound of Data has been certified according to ISO 9001 and 27001 for years. This means you can count on uncompromised quality and information security management. Our extensive guidelines and policies ensure that development and operations work safely and our networks are well secured. You can always look into these guidelines and policies.

Personal contact

At Sound of Data customers are just not a number. The lines are short and personal contact is of paramount importance to us. Just like quality and satisfaction. That’s why we’ve been around for over 30 years. And many customers have been with us for years. Are you next?