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How to shorten customer service wait times with text messaging

Unexpected fluctuations in incoming calls, make it challenging to maintain desired customer service levels. High loads in call centers, usually result in longer wait times and frustrated callers. A simple tool like text messaging can help reduce the load by providing a simple, adequate, and alternative way of informing customers.

Shorten customer service wait time with text messaging s

Maintain service levels

It’s usually the simplest tools that are overlooked or forgotten when looking into ways of optimizing processes. Like using text messaging in customer service. Quite often when customer service is experiencing a peak in incoming calls, many callers want to ask the same questions. For example, because there is a delay in deliveries, an outage, changed regulations, etc. This makes it challenging to maintain desired service levels.

Notifications aren’t enough

What usually happens is that brands play a notification that callers hear as soon as they are connected. This notification provides some of the required information but it’s usually not enough. This means many callers will not abandon the call but rather stay on the line to find out more from your agents. Yes, of course, you can refer people to a page on your website, but this is not as easy as it sounds.

Send a text message instead

It’s far more customer-friendly and effective to combine this notification with a text message. Ask callers to leave their mobile number so you can automatically send them a text message. This message contains extra information and a (shortened) link to a special landing page or FAQ section on your website. This way customers are automatically redirected to the right page, and it saves them the trouble of having to look for the page themselves.

Keep callers informed

If the questions vary and providing a link to a landing page or FAQ section doesn’t suffice, you can also use text messaging in a different way. Like, ask callers to leave their number and send a text message when it’s less busy in the contact center. This way they can choose to stay on hold or try again when they won’t have to wait as long. It helps balance out peaks in the call centers which has a positive influence on customer service metrics.

Easy to implement

Overload solutions like these are easy to implement and can be up and running in a day. All it takes is determining the type of service, configuring the text messaging portal and you’re good to go. The solution switches on automatically when a maximum of waiting callers is reached. And it reduces the load in the call center while maintaining a customer-centric experience.

Easy to manage

At Sound of Data, customers can easily manage the threshold of this overload solution themselves in our online portal as well as the content of the text message. Worried it’s going to cost you? Don’t be. It’s more likely to save money because keeping callers on hold is more expensive than sending out a text message. If you want to shorten wait times and keep your customers informed in a simple, adequate, and alternative way, give text messaging a try.


Are you ready to explore the possibility of using text messaging for your customer service? Call us, leave a message, or plan a quick demo call.
We’re looking forward to connecting with you.