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The story of Kaspersky - How customer service contributes to online conversion

Join us for a new webinar where Sound of Data’s product manager Gerard Nijboer talks to Tim de Groot, Head of E-Commerce Benelux & Nordics at Kaspersky about how customer service contributes to online conversion.

Tim de Groot Gerard Nijboer webinar How customer service contributes to online conversion

Discover the future of customer service telephony and how to seamlessly integrate telephony into the online customer journey.

Tim de Groot shares Kaspersky’s story and talks about the added value for both customer service and e-commerce.

What you will learn

In this webinar you will learn:

  • why telephony remains an important customer service channel
  • how you can integrate customer service in e-commerce
  • how customer service can contribute to online conversion
  • how Kaspersky has created the perfect mix of customer service, sales, and marketing

For who

This webinar is for customer service managers/directors and e-commerce managers/directors who want to discover how their departments can be more in sync. It is also very useful for (r)etail marketeers who are interested in finding new ways to increase online conversion.

Sorry, you missed it

These webinars have already taken place but you can watch them on demand.
Approx. duration: 30 minutes.

Watch the English webinar.

Watch the Dutch webinar.